Improvement direction of battery electrode stacking machine Dec 12, 2021

In order to improve the energy density, life and safety of the battery cells, in the future battery manufacturing process, the cylinder cells will still be the main winding process, while the prismatic cells and pouch cells will mainly use the stacking process.

However, at present, there are two main problems in restricting the large-scale promotion of stacked cells:

1) The manufacturing efficiency is relatively low.

2) The manufacturing qualification rate is relatively low.

Taking the Z-shape stacking process as an example, there are currently four problems in the application of battery electrode stacking machines to battery manufacturing:

First, there will be wrinkles in the battery separator. These wrinkles will bring risks after cycling inside the battery and damage the performance of the battery.

Second, it will cause irreversible deformation of the battery separator.

Third, additional auxiliary time will be spent.

Fourth, since the quality of stacked electrodes cannot be inspected in real time, the overall performance can only be judged after the battery electrodes are stacked.

The above four problems limit the large-scale application of Z-shaped battery electrode stacking machines.

Z-shape Battery electrode stacking machine

However, for another electrode composite stacking process, although it can overcome the problems of the Z-shaped stacking process to a certain extent, it also has its own shortcomings:

The battery winding and stacking integrated machine faces the limitation of the winding motor and is not suitable for the production of large cells.

The stack structure of the battery electrode composite stacking machine will bring structural risks, because the composite unit is cut into a single piece, and the single piece will have problems such as the folding of the battery separator during the transportation process, which leads to safety risks in the battery cell.

In summary, battery electrode stacking machines need to further improve stacking efficiency and pass rate to meet the needs of high-end battery production.

WinAck Group can provide various types of battery electrode stacking machines according to customer's technical requirements. Come by, contact us for a solution that can help you succeed. For better batteries, Win & Ack!

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